Welcome Back (Your dreams were your ticket out)

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Sweet Victory

I don't usually toot my own horn on this blog (what am I talking about? I've only been doing this for two months. I don't usually do anything, aside from use parantheses), but I can't resist. For two straight weeks, my quiz team, temporarily named "The Spanish Inquisition," has triumphed at Finn Mac Cools' quiz night. I consider this repeat performance a greater achievement than graduating from college. Take that, Marines! There, I have it out of my system now, and I can move on with life (that is, until next quiz night).


Blogger Sarah D. said...

Congrats Eli! Perhaps I'll bring a rival team next week, then we'll see who's truly inquisitory and Spanish.

9:35 AM

Blogger ak47 said...

Now all you have to do is defeat the Marines in a push up contest, and you'll be king of the universe!

9:55 PM


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