Welcome Back (Your dreams were your ticket out)

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Me and King Olaf

Now I'll have something to put on the mantle
next to my Brent Barry talking bobble-head.

If I could figure out why bathrooms are the most conducive places to thinking, I would win the damn Nobel Prize. I seem to have all my best ideas in there. Is it the austere, tiled interior? The Zen-like trickle of running water in the urinals? The fumes from bleach and detergeants? Perhaps the ample mirrors facilitate the self-reflection (pun very intended) necessary to connect those tricky neurons of inspiration. The story goes that Einstein thought up the theory of relativity on a streetcar, but odds are he was laying cable when he hit upon that particular brainstorm.


Blogger ak47 said...

"laying cable"? I'm going to use that everyday, from now on. It will be the new "two-ply".

8:59 PM

Blogger Sarah D. said...

For real, where did you first hear that? Did you make that nugget up? [Pun, much like yours, intended.] It was so clever, it took me three reads to understand what the hell you were trying to communicate. Then, I was like, "Oh my god, Eli's a genius."

10:11 AM

Blogger EB said...

Much like Paul McCartney and the song "Yesterday," I'm convinced that I stole "laying cable" from somewhere, but can't remember for the life of me. Perhaps it came to me in a dream. I'd be very surprised to find it was original.

1:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the Brent Barry talking bobble-head talk weak trash? "Olaf, you can't guard me 'cause you're dead."
At least he probably has better head fakes than the original.

Is your working hypothesis that geniuses spend more time in bathrooms or that they use their time there more efficiently? Should I be taking Metamucil to increase my brain power? And is it mutually exclusive, or could Einstein have been laying cable on a streetcar when inspiration hit? "E=mc2? That just might work. Ach, I seemed to have soiled myself. I'll just clean up when I get to the Patent Office." And he wondered why no one ever came to his office just to chat.

11:22 AM


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