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Monday, March 07, 2005

Stations of the Cross

Thanks in part to forward thinking measures like the Bush tax cuts, the divisions between rich and poor are the most pronounced they've been since the Gilded Age. In response to this, I propose the reinstatement of the draft, but a very special kind of draft. Let me explain. Since the Civil War, the US has periodically resorted to conscripting young men into the military. The by-product of this institution has traditionally been a mingling of people from radically diverse regional and economic backgrounds. Incontrovertable proof of this can be found in any WWII movie, where various stereotypes (such as the Ivy League WASP, the Jewish clown, the Southern cracker and the guy from Brooklyn) all work in harmony to defeat Nazis.

The draft I'm proposing would be an updated one for the 21st century (that's the one we're in now, right?). My aim is to increase societal understanding and harmony by drafting young men and women into the service industry. Most people can probably guess the "Stations of the Cross of Wage Work" of which I speak. Roughly speaking, they would be Manual Labor, Food Service, Retail and Customer Service. Young Americans would be rotated in order to master different crafts. And not only would rich and poor learn to better understand each other as they work side-by-side scouring out the deep fat fryer, but they would gain empathy for those who work in the service fields. Thus, no more berating of the bag girl when she puts the bread on the bottom, or the cashier who gives the wrong change. And Mommy and Daddy won't be able to call a congressman to get Junior some cherry gig. Wouldn't Arby's be a glorious proving ground for the leaders of tomorrow?


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