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Friday, March 25, 2005

Who Is Irene Madrugo?

This modern life seems to create faux pas in spades for we upstanding folk. I have been plunged into quite the sticky situation as of late. Quite embarrasing really. I've been receiving e-mails directed to a certain Irene Madrugo (such as: Free Loan Offer for Irene Madrugo!). What a wacky error! I can't imagine how our contact information came to be muddled. What other reason could there be for unsolicited e-mails turning up in my in-box?

By reading the subject lines of her e-mails I have developed no small number of concerns. She appears to be in dire straights, inundated by debt-consolidation services, home-refinancing schemes and offers for discounted dental work. This poor, toothless woman. How does she get through life? Possibly with Herbal Ecstasy, Cialis and an unhealthy interest in Paris Hilton-related pornography (I dare say she has solicited enough of it!).

I tried to track her down, just to sort out this little mix-up. Strangely, there is no listing for an Irene Madrugo in the United States. This seems peculiar, especially in a country with four Hugh Jasses. She must be out there somewhere. Don't let the bad times get you down, Irene. I'm pulling for you.


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