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Monday, November 22, 2004

Somebody Has a Case of the Mondays

First thing Monday morning found our hero digging through the garbage like a raccoon, an inauspicious start to a week if ever there was one. Will Tuesday find me fishing crawdads out of Rock Creek? I was after something mistakenly thrown away, which is as good a reason as I've heard for never cleaning the apartment.

Bush-Cheney '04 signs continue to blight my neighborhood utility poles and lampposts. They are too high to pull down, almost as if Rockets center Yao Ming placed them there (I know he's Red Chinese, but he does spend a fair amount of time in Texas). Political advertising (aside from Ward 6 candidates) was noticeably absent from public property on Capitol Hill in the run-up to November 2. Suddenly, two days before the election, the Bush-Cheney signs appeared, like a nasty herpes flare-up the night of a big date.

It seemed a black omen that these signs should spring up in bluest of blue America so close to the election. I guess Karl Rove knew something I didn't.

Signs of things to come?


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