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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Why Can't We Breed Cats to Enormous Size?

This has bothered me for some time. Despite 5,000 years of domestication from the Egyptians on, we have not attained the broad range of sizes in house cats that we find in dogs. If the canus domesticus breeds can acheive sizes and appearances as disparate as the Great Pyranees and Chinese Crested, why then do we not yet have cats the size of a pony or hamster, respectively? I view this as a failure of imagination almost as egregious as humanity's inability to make an imitation crab that tastes more like real crab.


Blogger ak47 said...

Imagine a trying to get unstuck from the upper-most branches of an elm a hundred and fifty pound siamese. Think what a rottwieler-sized tabby would do sharpening its claws on your couch. Imagine what a great dane sized cat. Now imagine cleaning its litterbox. Imagine what kinds of animals it would kill and leave on your doorstep. Perhaps a small child from the elementary school across the street? You thought it was bad when your itty bitty kitty urinated in your house plants... It was merely annoying when, as you were napping on the couch, 10 pound Princess decided to lay on your face... It's not that I don't love cats, it's that I fucking hate cats.

5:59 PM


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