Welcome Back (Your dreams were your ticket out)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Thank You, Sir. May I Have Another.

I have never seen the way George W. Bush, fraternity rush chairman that he is, collects sycophants so clearly as I did this morning. In the released documents for Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers, she refers to W. and Laura as "the greatest" and, worrisomely, as "cool." Now say what you will about Justice Antonin Scalia, but I'm willing to bet that he has never described anyone with a phrase so insouciant as "cool" (I do like to imagine him and Dick Cheney blowing the shit out of some ducks and then saying "Cool" before bursting into Beavis-and-Butthead-esque giggles, but that's neither here nor there). Bush takes the Karl Roves of the world, convinces them they're part of his (shudder) cool little club, and then uses them for years. Later, they will be rewarded with political hack appointments. It's just all so crazy, but people really love this dope.

I am discounting Miers statements on Bush's birthday card that "You are the best governor ever - deserving of great respect." As anyone knows, you should never trust what is written on the office birthday card. I'm sure she just threw that "best governer ever" thing out there because "Have a super great b-day" was already taken.


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