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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The People's Glorious Film Reviews

Melinda and Melinda
by Borko Naberezhnyi

Borko is being very excited for to see new Woodsy Allen film, Melinda and Melinda. He like his movies very much, especially early, funny ones. Many critic guys are wanting to stomp on Woodsy. Many critic is being like Ned Flanders and say "I like his films, except for that nervous fellow that's always in them." No problems here! He is just director guy and has Will Ferrell for to be stand-in. Some critic guys like this movie. Borko will give own opinion. He knows is no thing such as too many critic.

Movie start with two playwriting guys who argue about "is situation comedy or tragedy"? Why not both? And so is movie cutting between drama and laughy parts. Is fun! Is like is being made up as movie goes along, so maybe is OK that I am not caring about the characters. Is many people in the movie, but Will Ferrell make me laugh twelve times, which is eleven time more than he ever make Borko laugh before. He tell best joke about a ramp Borko ever hear! And Rahda Mitchell is very nice as Melinda. This movie make Borko think more about Woodsy Allen movies that he like and not so much about Woodsy Allen movies that is sucking.

Farrell delivers a line with great pith.

All critic guys are saying that the characters in movie could not be living in such big New York apartments. Apparently is expensive rents there or something? In most apartment in this movie I could be fitting my entire family (including cow and goat), but not my Uncle Vastov. He is too fat to get off couch, so he cannot be leaving to go to New York. Perhaps he will die soon? Maybe critic guys are complaining about size of apartment because they have never seen American television show called "Friends"? Borko does not know.


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