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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Cream Egg Resurrection

I have a little Easter tradition that seems in danger of being snuffed this year. The Easter season is always accompanied by the return, the "resurrection" if you will, of the Cadbury Cream Egg. Across the Atlantic in the Jolly Olde, you can get Cream Eggs year 'round. Here in the States, they are a seasonal phenomenon. This makes it that much more important to consume one delicious egg a year (and to let the teeth-aching rush of sugar remind me why eating them is an annual deed).

Perhaps it was the Cadbury commercials in my youth (those with the clucking rabbit) that first hooked me, but the pursuit of the egg has become all-important. I can't abide a Peep. It's not a bizarre, elaborate ritual or anything like that. Although the Cadbury website encourages me to "Dip in the goo to unleash your naughty, playful side!", I prefer to consume the egg in a more traditional and less creepy way. But although I've searched high and low this season, apparently I missed the boat. There is nary a cream egg to be found (except for the obviously inferior knock-offs). The equilibrium of the year will be thrown off unless I find my egg. I'd hate for this to become some kind of Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle-type saga, but after checking at three grocery stores and two CVS's, that's what it's turning into. Despair.


Blogger ak47 said...

What exactly is that creamy shit at the center of a Cadbury egg? Is it perhaps akin to that fluffy white shit in a Mars bar? Perhaps if you kept a Mars bar in your pocket, the fluffy white shit would get a little melty and you could imagine it was a Cadbury egg. Or write a letter to Cadbury Corporate and demand year-round American Cadbury accessability. Or perhaps just morn the slow demise of tradition in the United States. Despair indeed.

8:00 PM


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